Saturday, February 5, 2011

Am I making fun of myself here?


Ant said...

Oh, that made me laugh! (...Uh, but the stuff would have looked better with ants....)

; )

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Put a BIRD on it!!!!
Oh dear, now I'm going to be saying this all the time...

Pam McFadyen said...

Hi AntB! Its great to see you here!

Laurie, It has already become a part of our daily vocabulary at home. I hope it doesn't slip out too much in public at the wrong time...

Song and Branch said...

I've commented to my sister a few times when I have cracked or broken pottery that maybe I could make it better by putting an owl on it. Then I laugh. So probably I suffer from a subset of put a bird on it.

Butterfly Farm Pottery said...

Too funny. I was laughing and then really cracked up when the bird flew in. Put a bird on it!!!