Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Grid Wall

Yay! I just picked up a new grid wall to display my clocks. It's just in time for a few shows that I will be at in Toronto this summer. I got it at a store called Acme Shelving. Hey isn't that where Wiley Coyote got all of his explosives to try to catch the Road Runner? I hope I have a little more success than he did :)

It is always a challenge to set up a display for craft shows when you are a potter. The delicate nature of pottery and the 3 dimensionality produces certain challenges that other crafters do not have to worry about. For some reason, I am always the last one left packing up at the end of the day. I always envy the knitters who just throw everything into a wheeled suitcase while I 'm still surrounded by mountains of bubble wrap. But, I wouldn't change it if I could. I would much rather sit in front of my pottery wheel every day, but shows are a nice change to the routine. Instead of being my normal hermit self, I can chat leisurely with buyers and other vendors. Cross your fingers for sunny weather this Saturday when I have an outdoor show at the Scarborough Bluff's Art in the Park.

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